Refreshing Insights | McClone Blog

Back-to-School Safety Tips

Written by McClone | 08/22/2014

As summer is coming to an end, students everywhere are gearing up for back-to-school season. Safety should be a priority for every family as they prepare to send their children back to the classroom. It’s important for parents to stay up to date with the latest safety precautions and communicate these with their children to ensure their safety throughout the school year. Here is a list of back-to-school safety resources provided by the National Safety Council that you should review before sending your children back to school. Our team wishes everyone a safe and happy school year!

Back-to-School Safety Checklist – Use this checklist to review important safety procedures to make sure your children are fully prepared for the school year.

Transportation Safety

Traveling to School Safely – Whether children walk, ride their bicycle or take the bus to school, it is extremely important that they take proper safety precautions.

Back to School: Safety Tips for Motorists – Not just parents, but all motorists, need to know how to safely share the road with school buses, pedestrians and bicyclists.

Teen Driving Safety – The back-to-school season is a great time to learn about Graduated Driver Licensing and what practices will work best for your family. Parents can also find more information to help their teen drivers at

Safety at School

Playground Safety – Every year more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms because of playground injuries, many of which could have been prevented.

Backpack Safety – Overloaded backpacks continue to cause injuries, including bruises, sprains and strains to the back and shoulder and fractures.

After School Safety

Parents & Kids– If children will be at home after school, it is important to review, communicate & discuss expectations and precautions.